Sunday, May 2, 2010

Haiti's Recovery

Haiti is now working on a recovery plan.  World leaders gather in New York to discuss a recovery plan.  Haitian Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellarive, presented a government action plan for Haiti relief.

Bellrive's plan consist of three stages.  The first is the emergency period, which focuses on accomodating Haiti's homeless, providing food and medicals needs, and preparing for the coming hurrican season.  This stage has been completed for the most part.  The United States and other countries have helped with the completion of the first stage.  This strengthens the ethos of these supporting countries, because they have shown that they can be trusted in a time of need.  The second stage is the implentation period, which will focus on economic growth and job creation.  Haiti is currently in this stage.  This stage will focus on high labor, intensive industries, agricultural infrastructure, building, and clean up of devastated areas.  The third stage is a ten to twenty year period in which the country will rebuild to become self sufficient.  This means Haiti will be working to be able to provide for itself, without the help of others.

The purpose of this news segment is to inform the public about Haiti's recovery plan.  The general public is the audience of this article.  Also, the audience could be political figures of supporting countries, because they should be interested in Haiti's needs and what Haiti plans to achieve as far as recovery is concerned.  The tone of this news segement is brisk and straight to the point.  The speaker states the facts, and Bellarive speaks out about Haiti's recovery plan without sugar-coating details or prolonging his speech.  He says the stage they are currently in, stage two, should take about eighteen months.  This statement may challenge his ethos, because if this stage is not complete in eighteen months, the people of Haiti and other supporting countries may lose faith in him.  But if this plan is followed out efficiently, Haiti should become a self sufficient country, and this will strengthen its government ethos, because the people of Haiti will believe in their government again.

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